Taking the TOEFL? Make sure you’re prepared!

Watch this introductory video, #4 in our introduction to TOEFL series,

which focuses on the importance of grammar on the TOEFL exam.

Hello again, I am Steve, and I am your personal, and professional, American English
As we discussed in the previous videos understanding how TOEFL asks you questions is
very important.
And so is having a firm grasp of the 5,000 plus vocabulary words from which they may
ask you questions.

Now, in this part four in our TOEFL prep series we are going to discuss: GRAMMAR.

Most native English speakers cringe at the sound of that word: GRAMMAR.

It is not something that many of us, as native English speakers, enjoy very much either,
but it is important.

Corporations like Microsoft have spent several decades, and hundreds of millions of
dollars developing software to help you with your writing.

And what are the results of all that research and development?

Word can only ask you if you accidentally repeated a word or if it was intentional.

It still doesn’t know! And they claim computers are smart! HA!

In this age of Facebook, Texting, and Twitter, a strong understanding of grammar is
lacking from even the native English speakers!

But, for you, if you want to take the TOEFL exam, you better have a firm grasp on the
core rules of American English grammar.

How do you do that? You might ask….
Study. Study. Study.

But don’t worry, you are not alone in this nightmare.

Peterson’s has built assessment tests and study guides specifically geared to identify your
weak and strong areas of grammar.

And their guide will walk you through, rule by rule, what you will need to know for the
TOEFL exam.

In addition to that, hiring a native English speaker who has a firm grasp of these rules, as
a tutor, will greatly increase your scores on the TOEFL exam.

Their job would primarily be to walk you through the finer points of American English.

But they also will be a great source for translating the grammar rules into something you
can understand!

This is where I come in.

I am available for personalized, one-on- one training, to prepare you for taking the
TOEFL exam.

And yes, that includes grammar….perhaps I should charge extra for

Anyways, we will start with an assessment test of your grasp of the English language.

From there I will build a course of training based upon your areas of weakness and help
you pass that test!

Thanks for watching! Check out my other videos that will help you grow in your grasp of
the English language.

And remember: perfect practice makes perfect.
So keep practicing!

Did you know you can improve your English at home

with a private teacher via Skype?

Click here to start with a free trial lesson.

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