What is the difference between “teaching” and “learning”? What do “learn” and “teach” mean? Learn the how they’re different here and how to use them. Check it out!

In this lesson, I’m going to talk about a common mistake that a lot of my students have made in their Skype sessions.

A common mistake that I’ve heard would be somebody saying, for example, “I need to learn my children how to read.”

This is incorrect. The correct way is, “I need to teach my children how to read.”

Remember, “learn” is something that we do for ourselves. Nobody else can learn for us.

Other people can teach us things.

So, to “teach” is to impart or to give knowledge or understanding to somebody else,

but “learn” is when you remember the information or you acquire a skill or something like that.

You cannot “learn somebody” in that sense that you’re giving them knowledge.

When you’re learning or when somebody is learning, whoever is doing the learning is doing it for themselves.

They are receiving the information, not giving the information.

“I learned how to drive a car when I was 15 years old.”

“I would like to learn many new languages.”

“He likes to learn about different cultures.”

“All parents should teach their children how to be respectful.”

“He is going to teach World History this semester.”

“I love teaching English as a second language.”

All right, I hope that was helpful. An easy way to remember is that a student learns and a teacher teaches.

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