Pronounce “Suitable” correctly! Watch this short video to learn the correct pronunciation.

Hi, my name is Jessica. I’m an English tutor.

And in today’s lesson, I’m going to talk to you about how to pronounce the word “suitable.”
A common mistake that students make when attempting to pronounce this word is to say, “sweet-able”
instead of “suit-able.”

So, one way that you can pay attention to know if you are mispronouncing this word is

if your moth opens wider.

“Sweet-able” instead of “suitable.”

So, let’s try pronouncing this word a couple of times:

Suitable…suit-a- bull.

You also want to make sure you pronounce the word “suit” or “follow suit” correctly as well.

Because many students that mispronounce “suitable” also mispronounce the word “suit” as in to wear a suit or to follow suit.

So you want to make sure you say, “They followed suit.” Not, “They followed sweet.”

I hope you found this lesson helpful, and that you tune in again for more lessons with Jessica.

Have a wonderful day!

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