Meaning of ‘By the Book’ – English Idioms

What does ‘by the book’ mean? Watch this short video to learn a simple trick about “by the book” meaning and how we can use this idiom. When you are at work, do you do things “by the book?” The idiom “by the book” means that you are doing things exactly according to the rules. […]
Meaning of “Pan Out”

What does ‘pan out’ mean? Watch this short video to learn a simple trick about “pan out” and use it correctly. Hi, I’m Joel. In this video we’re going to discuss the idiom to “pan out. So, what does it mean if something “pans out?” Of course, you know a pan is something that you […]
Meaning of “Only Child”

What does ‘only child’ mean? Make sure you’re using it correctly in this short video. Learn the meaning here! Hi, I’m Joel. In this short video, I’m going to talk about the term, “an only child” or, “only children.” So, what do these terms mean?
What Does ‘Hold your nose’ Mean?

What does ‘scatterbrain’ mean? Not sure how to use this one? Find out here and start using it when you speak English! In this lesson I’m going to talk about the idiom “to hold your nose.” So, what does that mean? Well, to “hold your nose” is to go like this.